Registration for participants (Regular registration ended July 27. The deadline for the bank transfer is September 5, the late fee of 50 € is included in the price)
Registration fees include admission to all of the congress sessions, the congress proceedings and coffee breaks.
Regular Fee with Presentation: 170 €
Solidarity Fee with or without Presentation: 210 €
Reduced Fee with Presentation (students and unemployed): 130 €
Attendance only (with attendance certificate): 80 €
Payment via Bank Transfer
Please send your payment to IBAN PT50 0046 0126 0060 0264 3652 3 and proof of payment to rbiport@gmail.com
Bank: Banco Popular
International Banking Account Number (IBAN): PT50 0046 0126 0060 0264 3652 3
Bank Identification Code (BIC): CRBNPTPL
Name of the recipient: RBIP – Associação pelo Rendimento Básico Incondicional Portugal
Address of the recipient: Rua Azedo Gneco, número 10, 2º dtº, 1350-094 Lisboa